I’m sorry

If I ever took your body fat or girth measurements…

If I ever asked you to track your calories or macros, when that was not your thing… 

If I ever made you feel like you needed to measure up - in speed, strength, size, etc. 

I was just doing what I had learned (I’ve paid thousands of dollars for fitness/nutrition/coaching courses that have it all wrong). 

But it never did feel 100% good or right. 

What my bones and cells really wanted to do in those moments was to simply wrap you in my arms and hold you in your struggle. I wanted to tell you that I see you and I honor your courage. I wanted you to know that with undue certainty, you had a witness - and that it was safe to exhale. 

You were then - and you are now - perfectly conditioned to your environment. And I’m no longer available to force short term change through shamey means. 

But I have come to understand what it takes to accept your current reality, begin to shift your beliefs about yourself - and watch as your well-being recalibrates 😌
