Attention: You're now entering the Judgement-Free Zone

Let’s assume we just met. I want you to know that I am not concerned with how much weight you can deadlift or how long you can hold your plank. I'm not disappointed or impressed by how challenged you were on today’s TRX row, and I certainly don’t care if your squat goes deeper than your neighbor’s this morning. You shouldn't either. This, my friend who is looking to improve, is about you.

However, I do and will continue to devote myself to judging and critiquing a few things:
-First, how can I ensure and insist that you perform movements properly and safely (today!)? 
-Second, how can we work together to improve the way your body operates for tomorrow, next week, next month, and for the rest of your life?

Many of my clients are quick to point out their inadequacies - they are not where they used to be - they are feeling sluggish, deconditioned, stiff, even achy and inflamed. Well, the good news is this: 100% of these issues can be improved with movement. But, more importantly, movement with the right mindset. 

(Y)our journey starts now. 

We've got this, so let's do this!

